The history of Brothers Concepts Solutions Limited (BCSL) is more than a classic Jamaican success story. It is a tribute to the courage of young men emigrating from China willing to take risks and explore opportunities
thousands of miles from home with a vision to do whatever it takes to seek a new life and provide for their families. It is also the saga of an extended family/Associates of devoted employees working hard to build an enterprise now celebrating approximately 3 years in business. This company is recognized amongst the largest general engineering
contractors in Jamaica. Coming to the Caribbean leaving our young wives, infants and little more
than our own two hands, a strong back and a relentless resolve to build a better future, We the Brother Concepts and Solutions Limited established a family/Associates-owned and operated enterprise in Montego Bay, St.
James which has stood the test of time. Since then, the engineering contractor company we founded has celebrated 3 years of service in building infrastructure in the Northern, Southeastern, Western and Eastern hemisphere of Jamaica with current revenues and new contracts totaling in excess of 2 Billion JMD.
While the company’s many achievements and many completed projects are too numerous to mention, several stand out as examples of the excellent teamwork, engineering expertise, quality craftsmanship and attention to detail that have become the hallmarks of Brothers Concepts and solutions limited.
To create long-term shareholder value by providing safe and sustainable
engineering, construction and service skills to customers for whom quality,
efficiency and reliability are critical.”
“Your Concepts Our Solutions”